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Home | Injectables | Kybella
St. George Med Spa

Restore a Youthful Look

As you age, you will notice not only changes in your skin but also the accumulation of fat in various parts of your body. Fat accumulation in undesirable areas occurs gradually over time.

One of the most common areas this is seen is under the chin. Accumulation of adipose tissue under the chin, along with redistribution/sagging of the fat pads in the face can give you a very prominent double chin or “jowling” appearance. You do not have to be overweight for this to happen to you.

You might be predisposed to fat accumulation, or your skin might lose its elasticity and cannot support the fat in the areas it is intended to be. This can also happen as your muscles thin with age. Getting rid of a double chin or jowls can be difficult, even with adequate dieting and exercise.

However, with the use of a medication known as Kybella, we can help destroy those stubborn fat cells at MaVie and give you the slimming look you desire. MaVie’s specialists are arguably the best providers of Kybella St. George can provide.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable that is used to destroy fat in undesired areas. The injection contains deoxycholic acid – a naturally-occurring acid. It’s a great treatment for those suffering from moderate to severe fat in the submental area (the area just beneath the chin) and in the prejowl sulcus (jowls). A Kybella procedure requires very little preparation, and you can get back to your routine activities. However, a moderate amount of swelling is expected post treatment for approximately 1-2 weeks and should be taken into consideration when scheduling your treatment.

St. George Med Spa

Is Kybella Right for You?

When you visit us at MaVie, our medical staff will listen to your needs and discuss your goals in order to determine whether or not this treatment is right for you. We will take into account your medical history so you have the ability to make the best-educated decision possible.

girl happy about Kybella in St. George

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The Kyella Procedure & Results

MaVie’s treatment of Kybella in St. George is a nonsurgical procedure requiring just 15 to 20 minutes of your time. With several injections to the marked area, deoxycholic acid begins to disrupt the fat cells that same day. On average, patients may require a series of three treatments for optimal results, spaced about 6-8 weeks apart. Final results are typically seen 4-6 weeks after treatment.

Once you have achieved your desired results, it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep the stubborn fat at bay. This FDA-approved treatment is well tolerated, and a minimally invasive alternative to painful surgical procedures like liposuction.

St. George Med Spa

Before & After

girl after Kybella in St. George

Kybella Recovery

It is natural to experience some amount of pain/tenderness, bruising, redness or numbness, around the injection sites after your treatment. The most common side effect is swelling which can reside along with other common side effects in varying degrees for 1-2 weeks after treatment. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your recovery, you are welcome to reach out to our aesthetic professionals for assistance.

Experience the Beauty in Life



2825 East Mall Dr.
St. George, UT 84790

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